Still looking for more written questions? No problem! As a matter of fact, we have so many exam focused written questions that we have organized them into seven manuals like PROLOGs: OB, Gynecology & Surgery, REI, Gynecologic Oncology, Office & Primary Care, FPMRS and Ethics. Unlike most resources, each manual has a Table of Contents for easy reference to help you beeline to questions on a particular topic. Furthermore, each manual is divided into two sections: the first contains the questions only, and the second has the questions & answers with narrative explanations and supporting references. One of the components of the evidence-based CQRPE test taking methodology is making a prediction of the answer. The one-liner question format will reinforce key concepts, as well as facilitate mastery of the CQRPE method.
Altogether, there are over 1400 questions - at half the cost of PROLOGs!
- OB - 174 questions $ 75.00
- Gynecology & Surgery - 116 questions $ 75.00
- REI - 142 questions $75.00
- Office & Primary Care - 195 questions $ 75.00
- Gynecologic Oncology - 131 questions $75.00
- FPMRS - 268 questions $75.00
- Ethics - 50 questions $40.00
- Individually priced at $490 - purchase all seven as a compilation and save $40.00
- Available online too!