Faculty - Michael Carson
Dr. Carson is a Board Certified Internist who obtained his A.B. from Lafayette College, his M.D. from Temple University, and completed his Internal Medicine Residency and Chief Residency at Brown University. He continued at Brown for a fellowship in Obstetric and Consultative Medicine. Currently, he holds a dual appointment as Professor in the Departments of Medicine and OB/Gyn at Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine. He is on Medical Staff at Jersey Shore University Medical Center. In addition, Dr. Carson serves as the Director of Research/Scholarly Activity Dept. of Medicine, Raritan Bay Medical Center and is Past President of the North American Society of Obstetric Medicine (NASOM). He is on the editorial staff of Obstetric Medicine, a reviewer for the Annals of Internal Medicine and Women's Health, has co-edited a book on Sex- and Gender-Based Women's Health, published his research regarding improving detection of postpartum dysglycemia after a diagnosis of GDM, and is a leader in educating internists about caring for medical disorders during pregnancy. Past ABC course directors have described Dr. Carson as a person who “KNOWS us OB/GYNs well and is the perfect guy to torture us with primary care and medical complications of pregnancy”. In his words, he takes pride in the fact that his experience as a consultant to OB/Gyns and an educator of physicians allows him to present information, that’s not necessarily in your wheelhouse, in a way that will help you retain what you need to pass the boards and provide excellent care. He is happy to have recruited Dr. Adam Kaplan, a former resident who considers Dr. Carson a mentor, onto the ABC team as an Internal Medicine lecturer.
Lafayette College
Medical School:
Temple University
Brown University
Professor of Medicine & OB/Gyn at Hackensack-Meridian School of Medicine
Director of Research/Scholarly Activity Dept. of Medicine, Raritan Bay Medical Center, Perth Amboy NJ
Medical Staff, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Neptune, NJ
Quotes from our Students
“Did a great job mixing up some humor throughout the course & moved at a good pace. Appreciated the “take home” slides to know what to go back and study.” – LE
“Very nice how he presented various forms of explanation/slide format for different topics.” - BJ
“Outstanding primary care lectures! This is the 1st review course where I actually paid attention to these topics!” SH
“Dr. Carson is excellent. I appreciate the summary points and he did a good job of making sure we know the expected standard of care." JB
“He is fantastic! He made IM topics not so painful! Thanks!”
“He has an understanding of maternal physiology that is rare among IM doctors and he is really good at communicating to us OB/GYNs.”
“Great review of primary care! I have much more confidence now”
“Fabulous! Funny, great slides; liked the ‘to the point’ focus”
“His frequent injection of humor made his lectures easy to stay focused on. He’s great!”
“Loved efficiency and lecture style; covered a lot of primary care issues and took care to highlight important points." JK
“Great presenter! Lots of energy – kept me awake all day”
“Very likable; funny; gave great “need to know” pointers.” - LH
“Dense topics but in an entertaining & educational format.” - S-YS
“Well applied to the gynecologist. Made IM actually enjoyable.” - CT