September 2018 Tip of the Month

ABOG 2018 ORAL Exam Candidates

The November exam is in nine weeks– YIKES! If you have not already done so, send your case list NOW to your local/regional consultants or colleagues for recommendations in DEFENDING your case list:

            Case list component               Reviewer

                        OB                               MFM, generalist

                        GYN                            GYN ONC, Urogyn, Generalist

                        Office                          Generalist, REI, FP, IM

Make sure you give them a strict deadline - say two weeks; and set a date now to discuss their recommendations. Also, consider utilizing the Comprehensive Case List Review offered by the ABC faculty. We’ll help you defend those nightmare cases or, just as important, point out the usual exam focus for all of your cases.
The other half of the exam is the Structured Cases. We have a number of products to help you get totally comfortable with this portion of your exam. Our Structured Cases product is grouped according to a subject, so they’re an excellent way to fill in topic gaps, as well as practice the oral format. We have over 130 cases. Our Structured Cases Webinar Archives each covers four cases-of-the-day. The faculty-led discussion of the answers and grading gives you that ah-hah factor to totally nail this portion of your exam. You’ll end up with 72 cases.
If your exam is in December, January or February, ABCs November 13-18 Interactive BOARD Review Course is the perfect time for you. Our research has consistently shown that your pass rate is higher if you incorporate strategy with content. Therefore, our Oral Exam Workshop, which is devoted to strategy, is now included with the course. Our faculty is exceptionally knowledgeable about the oral exam and provides specific services, such as Mock Oral ExamsCase List Reviews, and Structured Cases. The earlier you take these services, the better off you’ll be, as your studying will take far more time than you budgeted, so it is better to identify as early as possible the topics you need to prioritize.
Regardless of the month of your exam, you MUST know your case list COLD! For every patient, make a copy of the case from your case list, draft a clinical summary, identify the patient management issues and compile both the compendium references on the issues and your clinically oriented review. Viola! Now you know her stone cold. If that was a fly by, duh, which way did he go? moment, then refer to Dr. Das’ book, Pass Your Oral OB/GYN Board Exam for details for this clever and efficient way to base your studying from your case list.

Study Tip:
Another sure-fire way to learn your cases, as well as have some fun coloring, is to get out your four favorite colored highlighters. Use the same color for ALL the cases with the following commonalities: labs, imaging, medications, and surgeries. For example, everything highlighted in blue is medications. Each area has characteristic features. In this example, for each medication, identify the generic/brand name, mechanism of action, indications, etc. Enter the data on a flash card or in your phone and quiz yourself in between cases or awaiting a delivery.  You can do it … we can help.


Subspecialty Fellows Planning for their 2018 ABOG General Oral Board Exam

Now that your case list has been turned in, you recognize how much you forgot in your off-specialty subjects. That’s where they get the expression, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Our review course is IDEAL for fellows, as we tell you just what you need to know; then you can joyfully repress it again after your test. Even if your exam is not until January, there is A LOT to relearn….OK, for some of you, to learn.
We strongly recommend you come to either our September or our November course to gather all the material you will need for 95% of your test. For those of you whose exam is not until December, January or February and choose to attend the September course, we’ll even let you come back to the November course for a day or two just to take mock oral exams. Heck, bring back your syllabus and we’ll let you sit through the lectures for free while you are waiting for your next mock oral exam.
We also encourage you to tap into our Do or Die in Dallas, which provides an opportunity for last-minute polishing or cramming.

Study Strategy:
Time is short. Remember, you are sitting for your general boards, NOT your subspecialty boards. Starting now, don’t study anything in your subspecialty; focus entirely on your off subjects. You do not need to study to the exhaustive, minutiae detail that you are used to for your subspecialty. It will not score you any more points and is a waste of precious study time. Our Test Topics Manual will provide you a template for an exam-focused review.


ABOG 2019 ORAL Exam Candidates
Congratulations for passing Go (or your Written Exam) and collect your $200. No rest for the weary. If you took the exam as a resident, you may apply for the Accelerated Process. This is fancy talk; the simple translation is that this applies to you if you finished your residency in June 2018, and want to sit for your oral exam in 2019. The deadline for the application is April 30, 2019
For the majority of you taking the conventional route (in other words, you’ve been in practice at least a year), you cannot apply for the 2019 oral exam until February 1, 2019. However, if you wait this long to enter cases you’re already EIGHT months behind – BIG MISTAKE!
For ANYONE taking their 2019 oral exams, go to now to start entering your cases online. You can no longer create your own list or use commercial software.  Remember the collections started, as in past tenseJULY 1, 2018.


Case List Construction Tip:
Don’t fret about details of how to enter the cases. You’ll change your mind at least a half dozen times before it’s all said and done. For all GYN patients, start a habit of collecting H&Ps, operative notes, pathology reports and discharge summaries. For all OB patients, keep a file of prenatal forms, delivery notes, discharge summaries and postpartum notes. Don’t worry about the office patients yet. Take a stab at entering the cases online and just use your common sense. 
For those who are OCD, order your copy of Pass Your Oral Ob/Gyn Board Exam by Dr. Das for a complete step-by-step guide. If you need some hand holding, then you can tap into the recorded Case List Construction Workshop from the previous year to get a head’s start..Make sure to cross reference with the ABOG Bulletin for changes specific to 2019. However, the gold standard is our live Case List Construction Workshop scheduled for April 2019 to get direct feedback that you’re on track to creating a sure-fire pass list.
Start today in creating a good habit of collecting and entering cases.


AOBOG ORAL Exam Candidates

The October 19-20, 2018 exams are NEXT month! Applications for the April 12 and 13, 2019 exam are available September 1st. The application fee of $3275 is due by January 15, 2019, or when the cap is reached.
September should be a comprehensive, exhaustive review for each core topic. Our September 19-23 course is the perfect time to pull it all together. We have to brag a bit, as 99% of course attendees for the past seven years have passed their oral exam!
Our Structured Cases Webinar Archives each cover four cases-of-the-day and targets AOBOG core topics. The faculty-led discussion of the answers and grading gives you that ah-hah factor to totally nail this portion of your exam. You’ll end up with 72 cases.
If you can’t attend the live webinar, the next best thing is our Structured Cases product. We’ve received rave feedback that they closely simulate the exam. Each is subject-based, including FPM, Oncology, OB, GYN and REI. We also have a set that is specific for each core topic, including the new ones of ultrasound, pain, sexual dysfunction and contraception. 
We are the only company that has a product for the 4th station section of your exam. Do not go into the exam unprepared, as its format is so unique that you’ll be sideswiped and unlikely to recover. ABC has the guard rails to keep you going down the long and straight.
For those preparing for their spring exams, if you really want to get a head start, come to our November course and follow it up with our winter three-month-long Oral Exam Webinar that addresses each core topic. 
Did you know that our syllabus even highlights EACH core topic? We also have an evening session that puts each core topic under the microscope and painstakingly goes through potential exam topics.

Test Taking Technique:
Practice makes perfect. This is an oral exam. You can study more, but if you can’t persuasively articulate then all that work is for naught. Just reach out and touch, as in the phone. The number of private mock orals is limited only by your stamina.
Have you heard about the new 4th Station with visual images? Talk about striking fear into your heart! Oops, do you have no idea what this is? We will provide a free session at our September course. Better yet, we have a new product - tah dah! -  Cleverly called “4th Station” that is now available for purchase. Don’t be caught by surprise. 
You can do it … we can help


ABOG and AOBOG 2019 WRITTEN Exam Candidates

The exam is nine months away - how coincidental. The ABOG application is now available on-line at Don’t shoot the messenger, but in case you need to budget, the $1500 application and examination fee are both due by October 13. For those of you taking your AOBOG exam, applications are available September 1st.
If this is your first time to take the exam and you have historically performed at above average on your CREOG in-service-training exam, kick back and chill.
If this will be at least your second attempt or you have performed at or below average on your CREOG in-service-training exam, you need to decide if you can, and will, truly commit to adequately preparing for this exam. If your answer is anything but an emphatic yes, you are setting yourself up for another disappointment.
We strongly advise you to come to our November 13-18 course or our Online Course. Not only will we provide you with the study materials that cover 90% of your exam, but we’ll help you develop a study plan to come out running at the six month mark.
Take charge with our Taking Skills Online Course.  You will receive over 2 hours of videos focusing on test taking methodology, strategy and application.  The course is available at any time and on any device. 

Study Tip:
The CREOG in-service training exam is in January, 2019. Since ABOG stopped reporting the actual score for the written board exam, our only benchmark is the CREOG score. You must score > 200 to comfortably pass your board exam. So don’t just blow it off this year.
Although publicly fellowship directors will tell you that your score on CREOGs doesn’t affect your fellowship application; this is about as credible as medical schools saying MCATs don’t mean much … yeah, right. So maybe your scores don’t hurt you, but they sure could help you …a lot!
The exam is in three months, of which two are holiday months. Time will slip away quickly. If your residency does not have a regimented CREOG prep course, you need to develop a study schedule now. Kill two birds with one stone by using the ABOG written board learning objectives as your guide. Simply go to the General OB/GYN Bulletin on your home page.
Anyone can take the exam, even non-residents, so we strongly recommend taking them if you failed your written board exam.  Just contact Darya Valantsevich at You must register by November 2018.


ABOG Maintenance of Certification

Part II Lifelong Learning

ALL 45 articles are due December 15.   I know a rare few of you haven’t even done any. If you’re desperate, you need to pass 80% of 120 questions, so that’s only 30 of the 45 articles; however, you only get 25, rather than 35 Category I CME credits.
Remember also that you must have enrolled in at least one practice module each year. If you have not, that can also be grounds to yank your certification - YIKES!

Part III Secure Written Exam

Those of you in MOC Year 6 who have not averaged 86% or higher on your articles must pass a written exam by December 15, 2018. ABC has three products to help you prepare for and pass your written exam. For those of you who have always tapped into a review course in preparing for your board certifying exams, you’ll take great comfort in our five-day review courses being held September 19-23 and November 13-18. This is not the same type of review course as in the past. Just as you’ve evolved and practice evidence-based medicine, our course is designed for the adult learner, is exam-focused and all lectures follow the national ACOG guidelines. Heck, you’ll walk away with loads of everyday practice tips, too.
Oh, just in case you think you’re coasting after you pass your written exam, think again. You still have to read the 2018 articles. No rest for the weary!

Test Taking Tip:
The written exam is on the computer. Many of you have never taken an exam on the computer, and it’s not the same as a beloved written book. Your old friend, the pencil, is obsolete. Do not wait until the day of the exam to discover this.  Go to ahead of time for a tutorial to familiarize yourself with how to take an exam on the computer.


AOBOG Osteopathic Continuous Certification in Obstetrics & Gynecology (OCC)

The OCC written exam is now offered at Pearson Vue centers during September 24-29, 2019. Applications for the March 2019, exam will be available September 1st.  This exam is usually a walk in the park for generalists practicing both obstetrics & gynecology. The breakdown of the OCC exam is as follows:

General Obstetrics                              25%
Maternal Fetal Medicine                    10%
Gynecology (office and surgery)       40%
Reproductive Endocrinology             10%
Gynecologic Oncology                       10%
Miscellaneous                                    5%

Test Taking Tip:
If you’re not a generalist; or if you are, but you’ve limited your practice, then yikes!...the exam is anything BUT a walk in the park! The exam covers the whole depth and breadth of OB/GYN, but what a coincidence… so does our review course! You’ll want to come in November so you’ll have time to embrace those areas that are covered in dust.

MFM 2019 ORAL Exam Candidates

Your thesis is due September 28th! Make sure you have checked and re-checked the requirements, including page setup. It is also a great idea to have someone read over it and make sure your thesis manuscript is a good representation of the hard work you did on your research.
The case list isn’t due until February, but this is also a good time to make sure you are entering the data and checking to make sure you have patients that represent all of the different categories you need to fill for the case list. If you find that you are missing some patient experience types, now is the time to find ways to get more clinical exposure so you can be sure to get those last rare conditions covered.
Interested in an MFM Thesis Review? It's still not too late to submit it to ABC, although our deadline for submission is Friday, September 15th. 

Thesis Review Tip:
Thesis submission (4 copies) deadline is September 28th and there are specific guidelines for both the format and your cover sheet, so be sure to check the FPMRS bulletin on the ABOG website under the Publications tab. Also, it is a great time to start gathering your references for citations within your thesis. For some, it may have been a while since last reviewing your work and thesis review is often in the details.  Knowing the broad strengths and limitations of your study design is the first step to a successful defense at the oral boards. Also, doing a quick literature search for new publications, which support or refute your work, is helpful.  It is still more than five months away, but stockpiling your review materials will go a long way when crunch time comes in March.

FPMRS 2019 ORAL Exam Candidates

Your thesis is due September 28th! Make sure you have checked and re-checked the requirements, including page setup. It is also a great idea to have someone read over it and make sure your thesis manuscript is a good representation of the hard work you did on your research.
The case list isn’t due until February, but this is also a good time to make sure you are entering the data and checking to make sure you have patients that represent all of the different categories you need to fill for the case list. If you find that you are missing some patient experience types, now is the time to find ways to get more clinical exposure so you can be sure to get those last rare conditions covered.
Interested in an FPMRS Thesis Review?  It's still not too late to submit it to ABC, although our deadline for submission is Friday, September 15th. 

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