Collection: ABOG MFM Certifying Exam - Review Course, Thesis & Case List Review, Mock Orals

ABC fills the critical gap identified by MFMs frustrated with a deficiency in their ABOG certifying exam preparation. We recognize that preparation for the subspecialty certifying board exam is profoundly different than the qualifying or written examination. Furthermore, all fellowships have weaknesses, a key stressor for graduates as the oral exam approaches.  Our MFM Course Director, Dr. Stephanie Martin, used an innovative approach to ABC’s MFM Interactive Board Review Course and Oral Exam Webinar.  Couple this with a Thesis Review, a Case List Review, Mock Orals and a 55-minute D3 session, and you have a sure-fire means to glide right through your exam!

"The course interaction was awesome. Very approachable speakers  – willing to answer questions.  Wonderful faculty!"  

"Very high yield info – the interactive course was a good way to focus your studying"

Preparing for your MFM Qualifying exam (written exam) and looking for resources?  Dr. Lexi Hill is an ABC faculty member who has created an MFM Writen Exam Prep Course.  ABC has no monetary or involvement in this product.  MFM Written Exam Prep Course