Our services were designed by DOs for DOs. ABC prides itself on offering consultation letter reviews and mock orals for the AOBOG MFM oral exam.
Consultation Letter Review – prior to submission - $675
ABC faculty will assess 2-3 of your consultation letters for content, structure, and overall presentation and readability. You will receive a voice recording of the faculty’s comments and suggested revisions as well as an assessment of the appropriateness of the case for submission. If your letters are exceptionally complex and the review is going to exceed 1-1/2 hours of time, faculty will notify ABC staff before proceeding further. Staff will contact the candidate for approval of additional time at an hourly rate of $450.
Consultation Letter Review + 30-minute phone consult - prior to submission - $900
In addition to the review of your consultation letters (description above), you will have a 30-minute one-on-one session with an ABC faculty member who has successfully completed the MFM oral exam in the AOBOG format. Our faculty will be able to discuss strategies and best practices for final preparation for the exam. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your most personal concerns and optimize your mindset going into the exam.
45-Minute Consultation Letter Mock Oral - $350
Being able to elegantly discuss your consultation letter can be challenging no matter how much studying you have done. This is your chance to practice verbalizing your knowledge. Our experienced mock oral examiners will simulate your actual oral exam in the AOBOG format by asking questions based on your own consultation letter and provide valuable feedback on performance.