Preparing for your Urogyn qualifying exam and looking for quality and comprehensive written questions? No problem! Our Urogyn/URPS Written Q Bank contains over 600 board-formatted questions created just for the Urogyn written exam candidate.
- Over 600 Multiple choice questions
- Online Version:
Test Mode: Once you have completed all of the questions within each topic, you can click on the results tab to view or download the report which provides you with the answers.
Practice Mode: After each question, the correct answer is also followed by a brief narrative explanation of the answer content and supporting reference. This will not only provide answers but can serve as an important study tool for the content and concept being tested. Online access anytime & anywhere, - Printed Version: Manual is divided into two sections: the first contains the questions only, and the second has the questions & answers with narrative explanations and supporting references.
We are the only company in the industry that includes a Table of Contents to bee-line you to not only subject-specific but also topic-specific, questions. This is an essential learning principle to facilitate the adult learner's mastery of a subject.