No waiting - start your exam prep now!
ABC's Oral Exam Home Study Package has everything you need to prepare for your exam. Beginning in the comfort of your home we provide 95% of current exam topics in our 42 hr lecture series. In addition, Dr. Das and Dr. Adelowo share 3 hrs of videos on exam strategy and study. Practice makes perfect when you combine it with private mock orals. ABC is truly with you every step. Choose from one of our three home study packages (1 yr subscription):
Home Study Package #1 includes content and articulation
- The orientation videos explain how to optimally navigate this learning pathway to ultimately pass your oral exam
- Streaming course recordings - Over 42 hours of videos which Includes an accompanying course binder
- Oral Exam Strategy and Defense Online - take the mystery out of your exam. View your case list like examiners and strategize on how to tackle those structured cases
- 3 Mock Orals - Nothing prepares you better than articulating out loud and is THE key to successfully passing your oral board
- $2,250
Home Study Package #2 is with you every step beginning at home and ending in Dallas.
- The orientation videos explain how to optimally navigate this learning pathway to ultimately pass your oral exam
- Streaming course recordings - Over 42 hours of videos which Includes an accompanying course binder
- Oral Exam Strategy and Defense Online - take the mystery out of your exam. View your case list like examiners and strategize on how to tackle those structured cases
- 85 Structured Cases assess your knowledge in a specific topic and best simulate your ABOG exam
- 3 Mock Orals - Nothing prepares you better than articulating out loud and is THE key to successfully passing your oral boards
- D3 Session - 55-minute session scheduled in-person with faculty
- $3,213.50 (save $251.50)
Home Study Package #3 is perfect for those collecting cases now for their certifying exam
- The orientation videos explain how to optimally navigate this learning pathway to ultimately pass your oral exam
- Streaming course recordings - Over 42 hours of videos which Includes an accompanying course binder
- Oral Exam Strategy and Defense Online - take the mystery out of your exam. View your case list like examiners and strategize on how to tackle those structured cases
- 3 Mock Orals - Nothing prepares you better than articulating out loud and is THE key to successfully passing your oral boards
- Case List Construction Online - this course is a combination of instruction coupled with immediate implementation through practical exercises. Learn how to format, construct and defend your case list
- 85 Structured Cases - assess your knowledge in a specific topic and best simulates your ABOG exam
- Comprehensive Case List Review - covers up to 3 hrs of faculty time
- D3 Session - 55-minute session scheduled in-person with faculty
$4,380.50 (save $289.50)
Our Home Study Packages are non-refundable
*ABC will not allow any account sharing and closely watches this type of activity on every online streaming purchase. Any accounts with simultaneous logins or suspicious activity will be immediately terminated without refund.
CME Category II credit hrs - AMA and AOA deem online courses fall under the non-interactive/on-demand/enduring material/home study activities. CME Category II credit hours are self-reporting.
Mock Orals - 30-minute mock orals via telephone or Zoom. ABC staff will reach out to you 4-5 weeks prior to your exam week.
D3 Sessions - 55-minute sessions 1-2 days prior to your exam day. ABC staff will reach out to you 3-4 weeks prior to schedule this session.
Additional Discounts – our packages were designed to give you the optimal study materials in addition to the best price. Hence, no further discounts apply (e.g. resident or fellow in training, military, missionary, previous attendee, friend).
"Without help from ABC, I would have been floundering. I am so grateful for the assistance and support you offer from the practice mock exams, to the online study course, case list reviews, and especially Dr. Tiffany Martinez's mentoring!" - HR
"I cannot thank the entire staff from this course enough for all of the support and information that they provided during my oral board review journey. I got my results today and am truly having a hard time putting into words just how elated I am.
I did the home review course and found it to be a fantastic investment. You learn all of the information you need in residency but this course was great at refreshing that knowledge and giving tips on how to effectively organize it all for test day. From a content perspective, I was very pleased. It is my tendency to study what I like most and to do so exhaustively. This course gave me far better guidance and benchmarks for covering the entire scope of our practice as Ob/Gyns.
I also did mocks with three very professional individuals. Now having completed the whole process, I feel like they effectively recreated the experience that I encountered on test day. After each mock, I was given tips on how to better express my message, topics to brush up on, and things that I should anticipate given my case list. I cannot express my appreciation for their flexibility with my schedule and making me feel more comfortable and prepared for test day.
Lastly, Dr. Das's Do or Die was the cherry on top. She combed through my entire case list submission and gave me a thorough run through of my lists. I cannot overstate the benefit of Dr. Das's approach. As an example, she alerted me to a stylistic point on my list that gave her pause. Sure to form, it gave my examiner pause as well and they told me during the test! Had I not heard about this from her the day before, I think it may have rattled me. Thank Dr. Das for giving me the information and awareness to stay in the zone on test day.
All in all, thank you so much. Your hard work made my goal so much more attainable. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" - AF