We know you want your residents to perform optimally on their CREOG exams and pass their Written Board Exam. Therefore, ABC provides 43 hours of exam-focused lectures, covering 90% of written exam topics, in just 5 days - that's almost 8 more hours of lecture than any other 5 day course. Plus, ABC is fully accredited to provide PRA AMA Category I CME Credit which, as you know, is a measure of quality.
CREOG scores can predict board exam performance. Studies presented at CREOG and APGO meetings suggest scores less than 200 are associated with a higher risk of failure on the written board exam. Thus, ABC Founder, Dr. Krishna Das, and Dr. Amos Adelowo, ABC Course Director, recommends that any resident with a score of less than 200 attend a review course.
Why choose ABC?
ABC covers 90% of written exam topics in only five days of intense immersion at our live review course, or our course recordings are designed for the motivated self-learner.
- ABC practices evidence-based teaching by catering to the Adult Learner.
- ABC has created a Test Taking Skills Online course that teaches the CQRPE methodology. Most residents who have utilized this methodology improves CREOG scores by a standard deviation, which is 20 points.
- ABC offers extensive sources of Written Questions - Written Questions Manuals & Online subscriptions, Practice Exam and more.
- Discounts are available for Residency Programs. Contact us at info@americasboardreview.com for more information.
- Residency Directors are invited to attend our live in person course for free. We would love for you to come check us out!
"I guess you could say my residency helped me prepare for being an actual doctor, but I feel the ABC review course was what solidified, compartmentalized and ACTUALLY put me into motion!! It's just so cool that I'm a month out and feeling like I have a good handle on things. I'm not trying to brag or sound haughty in any way, just feel so grateful that the ABC course helped me get ready for life as a physician!!" MA
"Thanks so much for allowing me to participate in your review course. I was very impressed with how comprehensive, well organized, and to the point your lecturers were. Bottom line, anyone who takes this course seriously WILL pass their exam."
"My Department Chairman and Residency Director are both very receptive to all of the ideas that you gave me. " -- BG, Texas Tech University"